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Facing the new challenge of HMPV threatening the world population
Influenza Virus
Fri Jan 10 2025
Recently the world bulletin has been abuzz with the emergence of a new virus – the Human Metapneumovirus. The virus has emerged in a scary volume in China and has taken the world by a surprise. The medical circles across the countries and the continents have taken note of this phenomenon and are swiftly making preparations as it threatens the world to become the next pandemic.
About the virus
HMPV is not a new virus. This virus has been in human contact for a long time. First reported in Netherlands in 2001 and 2003 in India. The virus is known to cause common cold, cough, flu and even severe bronchitis and pneumonia. The virus belongs to the Paramyxoviridae family that causes respiratory diseases. The HMPV virus makes its presence felt more during the winters and springs every year.
Groups who are at high risk
Although every human can experience the symptoms upon contacting this virus, the disease can turn out to be particularly severe for some groups:
- Children below five: Infants and toddlers are at a greater risk due to this virus.
- The elderly community: People above the age of sixty five with pre-existing respiratory conditions like COPD, asthma and bronchitis are also a vulnerable group.
- Pregnant women: Pregnant women must be careful as this virus can be a threat to them and to their unborn child.
- Individuals with low immunity levels: people who have weak immune systems or are under treatment for HIV or cancer can experience severe consequences due to HMPV.
Reference to outbreaks in China
Recently news of the HMPV outbreak in China is making its rounds in the world bulletins. There have been several cases where the patient needed hospitalization. Children below fourteen years and elderly over sixty-five years are at a greater risk. The disease has symptoms similar to other respiratory illnesses which makes its diagnosis challenging. As a result, authorities in China have emphasized the significance of preventive measures like mask use, hand washing, and early diagnosis for effective disease curbing.
Common Symptoms
Most people are not getting suspicions about this disease as the symptoms are similar to common cold and flu. Some common symptoms of this disease are:
- Cough & Sore throat
- Mucus production
- Fever, from mild to moderate temperature
- Runny nose & Sneezing
- Body ache and fatigue
- Dehydration and breathing issues in severe cases.
Ways in which the disease spreads
The HMPV spreads similarly to the coronavirus. Infected people coughing and sneezing near you poses a threat of infection. Similarly if you touch infected people or infected surfaces and then touch your mouth, eye and nose you can fall sick. In some cases, the virus can remain suspended in a place with poor ventilation. Hence, do not remain in enclosed spaces or in a crowd.
HMPV Precautions
- Maintain Hand hygiene - wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol based sanitizer
- Avoid crowded places. Wear mask in public spaces
- Avoid close contact with those having symptoms
- If sick, stay indoors and cover nose & mouth while sneezing and coughing
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